HIGH FORMAT® products are primarily made of concrete utilizing our wetcast production system. Wetcast concrete offers benefits including:
Detailed, natural looking textures
Seamless blending of colors throughout
Long-term structural integrity
VIBRALOCK® is an integrated surface technology that is directly incorporated into the production process of many of our slab and paver products to deliver benefits including:
A harder surface with greater resistance to abrasion
More vibrant and enduring color
Increased resistance to efflorescence
TEKTRAMAT® is our proprietary material based around ultra high performance concrete technology (UHPC). Products made from this material offer benefits including:
Efficient installation resulting from large yet thinly formatted shapes
Ultra-realistic replication of fine detail
Unsurpassed durability including salt proof surface
HIGH FORMAT® offers several premium natural stone pavers, slabs and coping with benefits including:
Slip resistant properties
Precise dimensions for gauged products
Vibrant and unique color patterns